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Things to Help You Write

Hi, guys!

So, this post is going to be geared more towards my friends who, not only like to read, but also enjoy writing. I'm in the middle of writing my second novel, and I'm still loving it. The writing and publishing process is getting easier for me every time.

"Deleted", my first novel, has been showcased on several Reader's websites so far--in addition to getting Tablo's Editor Choice last year. Cool, right? I finally got up the courage to start my writing career while I was still (sort of) young. It's crazy that I'm here actually making a name for my stories. I know a lot of my friends are wanting to do the same. You can!

I'm putting together my system, and I'm sharing it. I have some awesome friends who write some awesome things. Here's what I use that I think you'll like. If you've got any thing that's not on the list, please, send it my way! Writers help writers, ya know.


*Find a time to write. I personally am blessed enough to find quiet time to write. On days when that is challenging, I get up early or stay up later. That's a choice you have to make. I don't mind it, because it's fun for me. I like being able to escape into my books. If you don't make some time to write, it won't get written--just keep that in mind. The first step to publishing your book is, you know, writing it, my dears.

*Write when your muse wants you to. I see a lot of articles asking people to write daily--no matter what you do, just write daily! I used to advocate that, too. I've tried so hard to do it, too, but I can't. So, I don't know that I quite agree with that. There are days when I can't write a THING to save my LIFE! A few days later, I've put down 5,000 words at once because that's just how my muse works. I don't want to write a few lines of crap a day just to say that I wrote something. I want it to be inspired and good. I don't think you can write well without some form of inspiration. You can craft an outline all you want. You can churn out books through a daily grind, sure, but it's not for everyone. Write when you feel it.

*Reward yourself. When you do manage to get some writing done, be proud of it. Share it off if you want. Eat a candy bar for every milestone you reach. I'm not gonna judge how many Kit-Kat's you decide to munch. It's basic Psychology, and it works. The reward for me is being able to share my word count with my Facebook groups and friends. I'm proud of that 10k, baby! I like to see the bar move.


*Liquid Story Binder/Scrivener (Computer): I can't write a novel in Word. I'm sorry. I can edit in Word all day long--once my scenes have been compiled into the final version, but I can't rearrange scenes as easily in Word as I can in Liquid Story Binder. The software lets you put together a "planner" that you can then re-arrange and arrange your scenes in as you write. Moving a chunk of writing around is as simple as dragging and dropping. I swear by the software. It didn't let me down for my first novel, and it's doing one heck of a job for the second one, too. The more I use it, the more uses I find I have for it. There's a free version. Snatch it up. If you like it like I like it, you'll probably end up purchasing the license. It's worth it. I'm a Liquid Story Binder junkie, but Scrivener is good, too. If you must go that route. ;)

*Writeometer (Phone): Another author friend told me about this app for your smart phone, and I love it. You know those rewards I was talking about? This app lets you set up your own rewards. You earn "guava fruits" for meeting your writing goals that you can trade in for rewards you customize yourself. I personally have a bath bomb set up for 15 guavas. ;) You can do whatever you'd like. The app also lets you schedule your project so that you can not only track your word count but know the amount of writing you need to do to have things done on time. Did I mention I loved it? It's free. Go and grab it, please. FYI--it only works if you open it, though. I believe there was a time I didn't open it for awhile b/c I was too busy having fun with video games (or something like that). It might have been T.V. shows. Hey, I'm not judging you; you can't judge me, either.

So, in short, if I can write novels, you can, too. There are some pretty nifty things here that will get you started on your way. As cliche as it sounds, you really do have to find out what works best for you. Those are just a few of the things that got me through my first novel and now well-into my second. Want to write a book? Just do it.

Got some other tools and tips to share? Shout 'em out!

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