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You Should Be Writing

So, you're scrolling through the inter webs and doing everything else in the world besides writing, right? Right. You should be writing.

I should be, too! I do have a plethora of excuses lined up and ready to take on the firing squad for me. We've had everything from surgery to death in the family lately. Between that and teaching, I haven't written this summer. But, summer is gone, and I'm planning to get back to my poor, neglected stories this fall.

I've got a new tool to help with that, too. If you've dropped by, and you're also a writer, do you know about 4theWords? (Don't worry, I'm not sponsored by them or anything like that.) 4theWords is a website that turns your writing into a game. The more you write, the more rewards you get to complete quests. I know a lot of writers actually enjoy games, too. This has been a wonderful way to help me stay accountable with writing. I also think it would be a cool way to start writing for those who have been on the fence about whether or not they want to write.

While I adore Scrivener, I've actually written the entirety of my latest story on 4theWords. It feels a little clunky sometimes, because I'm used to being able to drag and drop story sections. However, I think the sprint feature it has is well worth the lacking it has in utility. 4theWords has "boss monsters" that require you to write a certain number of words in a set amount of time to defeat it. This is great for getting the words on the page (or screen)! Anyway, while you're here not writing, I thought you might could use the tip! Now, go write.

I've made some adjustments to my "Coming Soon" list that you can check out later. I also took my WIP books off of my "Books" list on my website. I'll only be adding books that are finished so that it doesn't get confusing. I do hop between projects a lot!

Lucky and the Killer is a huge book, and it's taking more time to edit than I thought! So look for that to come out in paperback later instead. (Give me a break, guys. It's 600 pages! Dang, that epic fantasy.)

So, if you're still here reading, you should be writing right now. Not an author? Don't care. Go write. Start now. Become one. I know a lot of people who dream of writing all of these really cool story ideas but never write them. I know it's hard. I know how life can take over, but try. The world will never see your story if you don't write it. The world needs your story. You should be writing.

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